Saturday, November 18, 2023

Coleman's Journey 11/18

Coleman's neuro surgeon stopped by.  His morning CT scan looked very good. Not as much damage as he thought from the stroke. Stitches will come out soon.

They assumed that the fever Coleman has was treatable with antibiotics. Not so far. Changing gears they now are concerned about blood clots, because he can't take blood thinners right now. They took ultrasounds again today and are considering a filter in the main vein that serves both legs. Waiting to hear more about this one. 


  1. That is great to hear! continued prayers❤️

  2. I follow your posts on a regular basis and print them out for Don. I know it is time consuming for you to share what's happening but it means a lot to family members. Keep fighting Coleman and we continue to hold you tight in prayer. Love to all of you.

    1. Thanks, Jan. I look forward to the day that I can post about Coleman starting rehab.


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